Recruitment Process

M & S INTERNATIONAL has extensive knowledge and expertise in all phases of overseas recruitment and has consistently exhibited professionalism in its dealings with Foreign Principals and workers. Possessing these capabilities, M&S has a well laid down recruitment  process.


M&S maintains a pool of ready-to-leave manpower from across India. It has a huge database of professionals in various fields such as engineers, accountants, financial analysts, technologists, computer operators, doctors, nurses, physical therapists etc along with welders, electricians, plumbers, heavy equipment operators, carpenters, steel fixers and all kinds of other workers. In case workers not identified/available in our existing pool, M&S shall make all the arrangements for the immediate sourcing/identification of the required workers through advertisements or associate offices from all over India. M & S has employed several professional job head hunters across India to source candidates.


Our workers who are recommended for possible overseas employment are carefully screened and rigidly tested. An overall appraisal of their suitability for the job is done through in-depth interviews geared towards gaining a deeper insight to the applicant’s qualification and competence. The applicant’s psychological and intelligence test results are also given considerable weightage in choosing the appropriate workers.

All the credentials submitted by the applicant are properly cross-checked and verified. Three (3) or four (4) qualified applicants for every position are then short-listed and referred to the employer for interview and/or selection.


Upon the employer’s request, M&S may arrange skill testing designated to test and assess the actual skill required by our principals with credible and accredited government and private institution/trade test center.


M&S can provide our client’s representative with all the facilities and assistance in making their final selection fast and efficient. If so desired, M&S can do the final selection of their needed workers for and on behalf of our Foreign Employers with full guarantee on the workers competence and capabilities. Should our clients found them unfit for the employment, our company agrees to provide a replacement, free of charge, inclusive of round trip airfare to and from the job site.


All selected workers are required to undergo and pass the country of employment specific standard medical examinations. The said examination is conducted at approved medical clinics and hospitals to conduct physical and medical examinations. An official written medical report may be provided to the employer wherever mandatory or upon request.


M&S is staffed with competent personnel needed to process the required documents of selected workers. Our documentation specialists personally monitor and ensure the prompt processing for passports, visa endorsements, employment contract and other related clearances and documentations.


To further ensure performance, M&S INTERNATIONAL conducts intensive orientation session to better prepare the workers for the host country’s custom and traditions and psychological demands of the jobs. These sessions include among others the information of the country of destination, principal’s company policy, employment terms and conditions, principal’s expectations on selected workers and other pertinent information.

However, this should not prevent the foreign employer to conduct a comprehensive orientation on their company policies and procedures as well as details of the work coverage and responsibilities of each worker.


Our experienced and efficient documentation officers can very well handle the airline booking, flight confirmation and final ticketing. We also provide airport assistance to all departing workers at the point of embarkation.

Moreover, our employers are being informed of the scheduled departure well in time as well as right after the departure of workers from India through fax message, email or telephone, as advised.

As a procedure, we send with the departing workers all the documents and credentials as maybe required by the employers on the job site for other formalities.

We are committed in keeping our applicants and employers regularly updated on the status of the recruitment process. Should any unforeseen development prevent us from delivering our services on time, we will provide all concerned parties timely status information, no matter how difficult it might be so that nobody will be left waiting with false expectations.

Recruitment Process

  • Recruitment Policy
  • Sourcing/Manpower Pooling
  • Pre-screening / Shortlisting
  • Trade Testing
  • Final Selection
  • Medical Examination
  • Processing / Documentation
  • Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar
  • Ticketing & Send-Off Services
  • Document Rerquired